Complete your Profile

Created by: Julia Biondi

Modified on: Thu, 7 Dec, 2023 at 11:43 AM

This Give your shoppers the relevant information on who you are as an artist and what to expect from your collection, plus this is unique content which improves visibility on search engines and helps customers find your work.

Step 1:Tagline

Brand taglines are used throughout the app, website and in emails to support your header image and quickly let users understand what to expect if they click. These should always include an indication of the type of designs you are selling e.g watercolour, illustration, abstract, mid century. helps both users and Google understand what the pages are all about.

Format: Please sum up your artist style in 45 characters and use third person & Proper Case (First Letter Of Each Word Capitalised).

Brand information example

Your brand imagery

If this imagery is uploaded correctly we can use this across our marketing channels as an icon to direct customers to your page!

Step 2: Logo

Icon will be used on your brand page and they appear on high-traffic pages, plus they are really useful for customers to save your page on the app! A Graphic mark, symbol or stylized name will be perfect, please make sure the information or image is centred to optimise cropping.

Format: Square - 600px - 72 dpi

Please note that we do not accept links to your own website or Instagram within your bio and this will be removed by our team.

Information on a banner

You may be wondering how to upload a banner to your page and we're sorry this information isn't here. Our artist portal is very new and we are currently adding the features you'd like to see, this will include things such as adding mock-ups and banner and we will keep you posted!

Julia is the author of this solution article.

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